College Affiliated to M.P. Medical Science University, Jabalpur (M.P.)
College Recognised by C.C.I.M. , New Delhi
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Job-awareness programmes: Various job-awareness programmes taken up for the students, especially for the final year students help them to choose their career in the most suitable field. The professional avenues become much easily accessible as the candidates become fully aware well on time. Students find immense opportunity to participate in the seminars and workshops held on the relevant subject area, related academic problems and issues of technical concern. This makes the professional abilities and awareness of the students at part with any other internationally acclaimed course of the kind.
Resources: A rich and user-friendly library of the College provides the knowledge resource of books and periodicals at hand. Use of Audio Visual Aids, like charts, models, OHTs, and the CD-ROMs, make the teaching more modern and certainly more effective. The benefit of Internet access in the college keeps the students updated with the latest in their field of study. The photocopy facility at the College makes it easier for the keen learners to get on the spot reproduction of the important documents.
Rules Regarding Transfer certificate:
Transfer certificate is issued only when students have paid all the fees.
Students shall be provided with any document or basic certificates submitted by them at the time admission at cost.
Fees shall be cleared till the current month from which the transfer is sought.
If any student leaves the college without intimation or permission, the student shall have to pay full fees of the academic session.
While submitting application for admission to the College, it is obligatory on the part of the students to enclose transfer certificate of the previous institution or college.
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